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Lone Star SAR

Crew on Lone star vessel

On 8 February 2022, during laden transit from Garyville, Louisiana to Cristobal, Panama, and about four nm from Isla Mujeres in the Yucatan Channel, the crew of the Synergy-managed “LONE STAR MARINER” saw distress signals from a small wooden craft with six people on board.

SAR operations by Synergy Marine
Rescue boat on Ocean
Lone star vessel

When the tanker had stopped her main engine and come almost alongside, two of those jumped into the water and were rescued right away. The other four were then picked up from the stricken boat, and soon after all were given first aid, food and water.

At 14:30 LT, and as instructed by the Mexican navy, the Synergy vessel started towards Isla Mujeres, but the local harbour master then told her to drift, as the rescued people could not be taken off due to worsening weather. On the following day the “LONE STAR MARINER” safely transferred all six to the Mexican naval vessel “PATRULLA UXMAL”, before resuming passage and being kindly commended by loadport terminal operators, Marathon Marine. 

Our Founder and CEO Captain Rajesh Unni thanked the crew of the LONE STAR MARINER for their brave and decisive actions which saved several lives, “Captain Kim and his fantastic crew on the Lone Star Mariner honoured the first law of the sea by rendering assistance to those in peril at sea. The rescue serves as a strong reminder of the dangers of the seafaring profession, and dedication and bravery of those who embark on a career at sea.”

Search and rescue by Lone star

This is another example of a Synergy vessel giving prompt, diligent and also persistent help, and playing a major role in the saving of many lives, and we echo the warm words of Marathon Petroleum Corporation, who kindly wrote to Captain Kim and our colleagues on board:

Dear Captain Kim and crew of the LONE STAR MARINER,

Marathon Marine commends you for your quick call to action which resulted in multiple lives saved at sea.  

Many of us in the office have at one-time sailed and appreciate the vessel’s diligence at the watch, care for persons in need, and quick execution to place survivors in the care of the authorities, all while keeping all parties informed and operating safely.

This is indeed an accomplishment that you all can be proud for the rest of your lives and please accept our sincerest gratitude.

Job well done to all aboard the LONE STAR MARINER!

Thank you.”

Synergy Logo

Getting to Zero

Synergy Marine Group is a member of The Getting to Zero Coalition, dedicated to launching zero-emission deep-sea vessels by 2030 and achieving full decarbonisation by 2050. The Global Maritime Forum, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and Friends of Ocean Action, founded and manages the Coalition.


Synergy Marine Group is part of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), a global initiative striving for a corruption-free maritime industry, promoting fair trade for the greater societal good.


Synergy Marine Group is a part of INTERCARGO, an association championing safe, efficient, and eco-friendly shipping. INTERCARGO collaborates with the International Maritime Organization and other global entities to shape maritime legislation.


Synergy Marine Group is part of IMEC, a top maritime employers’ group championing fair and sustainable labor practices. Representing global employers, IMEC negotiates seafarers’ wages and conditions, and invests in workforce development.


Synergy Marine Group is involved in IMPA Save’s initiative to reduce single-use water bottles at sea. The IMPA SAVE council comprises top global shipowners and suppliers, representing over 8000 vessels with significant combined purchasing influence.

All Aboard

Synergy Marine Group is a key participant in The All Aboard Alliance’s Diversity@Sea initiative. As one of eleven prominent maritime companies, we aim to foster inclusivity at sea and directly address challenges faced by women seafarers.


Synergy Marine Group is part of the Container Ship Safety Forum (CSSF), a global B2B network dedicated to enhancing safety and management standards in the container shipping sector.

Danish Shipping

Synergy Marine Group is affiliated with Danske Rederier, the primary industry and employers’ association for Danish shipping—Denmark’s top export sector. Danske Rederier actively engages with authorities and policymakers both domestically and globally.