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“DALI”, Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident

Update 8: June 27, 2024 | 09:00 UTC

Synergy Marine Group continues to extend its deepest sympathy to all affected by the Francis Scott Key Bridge incident, and wishes to provide an update on recent developments, principally as regards the vessel’s crew.
The safety and well-being of the crew, who had been confined to the vessel since March 26, remains a top priority. They have demonstrated great dedication and professionalism during this challenging period and are highly commended for their exemplary conduct. They are in good physical and mental health, and as before all who are to remain in the US continue to be provided with comprehensive care and all families have been kept closely updated.
We are pleased to report that, following continuous coordination with local legal and regulatory bodies, ten crew members who had been cleared by the authorities to leave the US have now arrived safely in their home country, where they were met by senior Synergy personnel before travelling onward to their families.
Before that they each had a thorough medical review, including consultation with a team of psychologists to check their continued mental well-being.
The DALI has now arrived and berthed in Norfolk, Virginia, where she will undergo temporary repair work. All other members of the crew – as first sailing, or more recently changed – will remain nearby in order to further assist with the ongoing investigation and also take any necessary steps in relation to the forthcoming repairs. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in ensuring the crew’s safety and support during this time, including the US authorities, rights groups, religious organisations, individual embassies and our dedicated team.

Emergency Response Team
Synergy Marine Group

Update 7 : May 21, 2024 | 15:00 UTC

As well as reiterating deepest sympathy to all impacted by this incident and commitment to fully understanding the facts that led to it, the Synergy Marine Group wishes to extend warmest thanks to all involved in the recent safe berthing of the DALI, and especially to the crew, who continue to receive very high levels of care and concern.

Their safety and well-being are our ongoing main priority. All are in good general health and in receipt of any necessary medical provision and follow-up supervision, and there remains constant contact with them, and also their families, to ensure that any needs are met. One crew member who needed routine medical care was treated ashore before returning to the vessel, and the two additional crew members who recently joined are playing a very full part in sharing workload and allowing increased downtime.

The vessel is fully stocked with food, water and other essentials and we have coordinated deliveries of pre-prepared high quality foodstuffs and also treats for the crew, and these arrangements will of course continue.

We also very much appreciate the care shown for the crew by others, such as rights groups, religious organisations, the individual embassies and several others who have kindly visited them on board, and following the successful refloating and berthing of the DALI yesterday we are continuing to work with the authorities as regards getting the crew home, and also in hopefully arranging some much needed shore leave while these steps are taken.

Emergency Response Team
Synergy Marine Group

Update 6 : May 20, 2024 | 15:30 UTC

First, we again extend our deepest sympathy to all those impacted by the events of 26 March 2024. The company and crew continue to fully participate with the investigation process and are committed to a thorough understanding of the facts that led to this incident.

Synergy Marine Group is pleased to report that the M/V DALI has been successfully refloated and is now safely alongside at a berth in Baltimore. This took place through the collective efforts of the Unified Command, which includes federal, state and local authorities, emergency response teams and marine salvage experts. This significant milestone is another crucial step towards fully reopening the port and completely restoring maritime activities in the Port of Baltimore.

Also, on behalf of the crew, we wish to express our appreciation of all those who have expressed concern for the crew’s wellbeing.

Emergency Response Team
Synergy Marine Group

Update 5 : May 17, 2024 | 11:30 UTC

Synergy Marine Group, the managers of the container ship M/V Dali, would like once again to extend our deepest sympathy to all those impacted by this incident, and here to provide an update on the crew on board the vessel in Baltimore.

All are in good health and are holding up well, and we continue to emphasise to them and also their families that their safety and well-being are our main priority.

Immediately after the incident on March 26 we sent representatives to Baltimore to look after the crew’s interests. There has been constant contact with them from the very beginning, and not only from this company but also from the US authorities, seafarers’ rights and also religious groups and the individual embassies who have visited them on board.

As managers we are working hard to address all the crew’s needs. For instance, when on 15 April their phones were retained by the FBI, replacements were soon after provided so they could once more contact their loved ones. Other examples are close monitoring of their physical and mental welfare, counselling which is available 24/7, regular delivery of pre-prepared Indian food in order to give the cook a well-earned rest and the recent embarkation of two additional deck crew, to share general increased workload due to the numbers of visitors on board and allow more downtime.

The crew are keeping busy with their normal duties on board, as well as assisting with the investigation and the ongoing salvage work. Nobody knows the vessel better than they do, hence their integral role in the future movement of the Dali.

It is still not known how long the investigation will take, so for the foreseeable future the crew will remain on board, and the Synergy Marine Group will continue to provide them with every care and support. We hope that, soon after the Dali is secure at a berth, the authorities will allow them to disembark so we can arrange to get them home.

Emergency Response Team
Synergy Marine Group

Update 4: April 2, 2024 | 19:00 UTC

We again extend our deepest sympathy to the families of the two people lost, and of the four who have not yet been recovered, following the incident in the Baltimore, Maryland Harbor on March 26.

We are encouraged by the operational success of the establishment of the temporary alternative channel near Sollers Point on April 1, and by the ongoing efforts to open a second channel for deeper draft vessels, working toward the safe resumption of full maritime activities.

Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the crew during this time is a critical priority for us. We have been actively engaged in a range of actions to support them since the incident. 

Synergy Marine Group has engaged workplace mental health specialists with experience in the maritime industry.  A dedicated team, including clinical psychologists, is currently offering round-the-clock support to the crew of the DALI, in the form of regular, individual, and confidential counselling. 

We’ve also offered these resources to the families of the crew as part of a comprehensive response that is under constant review by the psychologists and the wider Synergy Team.  

The crew has unlimited use of the ship’s satellite communications, so they can stay in constant contact with their families.  Food is delivered daily to assist the galley staff and to ensure that the vessel remains adequately provisioned. 

We encourage everyone to keep updated by visiting the Command Center at  Media inquiries should continue to be made through the designated official channels.

Update 3: March 28, 2024 | 05:00 UTC

We extend our deepest sympathies to the families of the two people lost following the incident in the Baltimore Harbor on March 26. We remain hopeful that continued efforts will lead to the recovery of the workers who remain missing. One of the vessel’s crew members who was injured returned to the vessel on Wednesday after being treated. The ship managers have activated their mental health team to provide trauma counseling for crew members feeling distressed, and that service will continue.

The National Transportation Safety Board boarded the vessel on Wednesday and collected documents, voyage data recorder extracts, and other evidence as part of their investigation. The NTSB also began interviewing crew members. We will continue to cooperate with investigators throughout this process.

Our emergency response team is on the ground in Baltimore and is coordinating with officials on all stages of the recovery and remediation efforts. This includes participation in the Unified Command that has been established to provide information as it becomes available. This information is accessible at

We deeply regret this incident and the problems it has caused for the people of Baltimore and the region’s economy that relies on this vitally important port.

Update 2 : March 27, 2024 | 03:00 UTC

As Owners Grace Ocean Pte ltd & Ship manager of the Singapore-flagged, “DALI,” herein below an update on the Baltimore Allision on March 27, as of 03:00 UTC:

We confirm the safety of all crew members and two pilots aboard “DALI,” with one minor injury reported. The injured crew member has been treated and discharged from hospital. Unfortunately the incident also impacted those who were on the Francis Scott Key Bridge at the time, and based on reports from the Baltimore fire chief and ABC News and other media outlets there have so far been two rescued from the water, including one person with serious injuries.

As per the United States Coast Guard (USCG), the search and rescue operation has been called off for the night. Six people are presumed dead. We extend our deepest sympathies to everyone affected and their families. Our thoughts are with them as we coordinate closely with the authorities to manage the incident’s aftermath, including environmental impact assessments.

Our Emergency Response Team has been dispatched and is presently at Baltimore to support the ongoing efforts to ensure crew safety, maintain vessel integrity and facilitate the swift and safe reopening of the waterway.

CNN has reported that the US President Biden and Maryland Governor Wes Moore as expressing thanks to the vessel’s crew for issuing a mayday warning prior to the impact, which they said had probably saved lives.

Authorities from USCG and NTSB boarded the vessel to carry out investigations.

Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

Incident response Team
Synergy Marine Group

Update 1 : March 26, 2024 | 10:20 UTC

Owners and managers of the Singapore-flagged container ship “DALI” (IMO 9697428) report that the vessel collided with one of the pillars of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, Baltimore  whilst under pilotage with two pilots onboard, at approximately 01 30 local time on 26th March.

All crew members, including the two pilots have been accounted for and there are no reports of any injuries. There has also been no pollution.

Whilst the exact cause of the incident is yet to be determined, the ‘DALI’ has now mobilised its Qualified Individual Incident response service. The US Coast Guard and local officials have been notified, and the owners and managers are fully cooperating with Federal and State government agencies under an approved plan.

Vessel Information:
Name: Dali
Capacity: 10,000 TEU
Onboard Units: 4,679 TEU
DWT: 116,851.Crew: All Indian, 22 in total
Owner: Grace Ocean Private Ltd
Movement: Outbound from Baltimore to Colombo

For further information, please contact:
Europe –
Pat Adamson at +44 7836 766 947
Darrell Wilson at +1 (405) 314 8536

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Getting to Zero

Synergy Marine Group is a member of The Getting to Zero Coalition, dedicated to launching zero-emission deep-sea vessels by 2030 and achieving full decarbonisation by 2050. The Global Maritime Forum, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and Friends of Ocean Action, founded and manages the Coalition.


Synergy Marine Group is part of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), a global initiative striving for a corruption-free maritime industry, promoting fair trade for the greater societal good.


Synergy Marine Group is a part of INTERCARGO, an association championing safe, efficient, and eco-friendly shipping. INTERCARGO collaborates with the International Maritime Organization and other global entities to shape maritime legislation.


Synergy Marine Group is part of IMEC, a top maritime employers’ group championing fair and sustainable labor practices. Representing global employers, IMEC negotiates seafarers’ wages and conditions, and invests in workforce development.


Synergy Marine Group is involved in IMPA Save’s initiative to reduce single-use water bottles at sea. The IMPA SAVE council comprises top global shipowners and suppliers, representing over 8000 vessels with significant combined purchasing influence.

All Aboard

Synergy Marine Group is a key participant in The All Aboard Alliance’s Diversity@Sea initiative. As one of eleven prominent maritime companies, we aim to foster inclusivity at sea and directly address challenges faced by women seafarers.


Synergy Marine Group is part of the Container Ship Safety Forum (CSSF), a global B2B network dedicated to enhancing safety and management standards in the container shipping sector.

Danish Shipping

Synergy Marine Group is affiliated with Danske Rederier, the primary industry and employers’ association for Danish shipping—Denmark’s top export sector. Danske Rederier actively engages with authorities and policymakers both domestically and globally.