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UN Sustainable Development Goals


SDGsは全部で17項目あります。 彼らは、ある分野での行動が他の分野での成果に影響を与えること、そして開発は社会的、経済的、環境的持続可能性のバランスをとらなければならないことを認識しています。




No Poverty

SDG Goal 1 - No Poverty

The scourge of poverty blights many aspects of life, and two of its main, and directly related, effects are hunger and lack of schooling.

India has more out-of-school children than any other country, the majority from among the rural poor and most of those aged from 11-18, with struggling parents needing extra income and informal childcare while they themselves work.

These factors combine to deny access to secondary schooling, and together with an alarmingly high drop-out rate will severely jeopardise the future of a young country like India.

Based in Mumbai, Light of Life Trust (LOLT) provides support and guidance to help children break this generational cycle of poverty and denied opportunity. Starting with just one small centre at Karjat, Maharashtra, LOLT now has 65, and has reached out to almost 800 villages with its creed of Educate, Empower and Equip for Employability.

Go2C has helped with sourcing a solar microgrid for Karjat, partnering with Norwegian company Aker and securing from them INR 600,000 towards that, and hence for LOLT an annual saving on power of about INR 250,000.

Synergy also has several employee initiatives. For example its Pune office supports a local outreach called Rainbow Homes, which helps house and also feed homeless children from marginalised communities, and its Singapore office helps Willing Hearts, a charity there that every day prepares and distributes over 5,000 meals to the needy in over 40 locations, also offering medical care and even legal aid services.

Synergy has partnered with the Mauna Dhwani Foundation to set up sustainable livelihood centres in Odisha, which leverage tribal wisdom and crafts to create enduring eco-friendly products for use on merchant vessels.

The Mauna Dhwani Foundation is a not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to facilitate the revival and resurgence of personal and community identities by enabling the disenfranchised sections of society to find their voice and rightful place. The Foundation’s efforts are primarily focused on rehabilitation of women in marginalised communities through a holistic three-pronged methodology that includes:

  • self-empowerment
  • skill enhancement
  • sustainable livelihood

Our goal is to take this enterprise to 300 families over the next two years, enabling their craftswomen to create and maintain a sustainable livelihood, tackling extreme malnutrition with midday meals and supporting education for the children of these communities through an after-school programme.

SDG Goal 2 - Zero Hunger

Affecting almost one in three people globally and a major developmental challenge in a great many countries, malnutrition is one India’s key issues.

The statistics are dire.

The 2015-16 National Family Health Survey-4 revealed widespread poor feeding, and sometimes simply inadequate feeding practice, from birth to 23 months, with 35.8% of under fives underweight – about 12 times the worldwide level – 38.4% stunted and 21% wasted i.e. with lower than expected weight for height. On all indicators the nutritional status of Indian children is below acceptable levels, even in comparatively wealthy states like Haryana, where only 7.5% of children from 6-23 months receive a sufficient diet.

In response, Poshan Abhiyaan is India’s flagship programme, a multi-ministerial mission for improving nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and likewise among under fives and adolescents. This is being achieved by harnessing technology amid a broad yet precisely targeted attack on malnutrition, with nationwide information (including basic nutrition details and food husbandry), focused intervention and greatly improved pastoral care.

Among many other things, Synergy Educational and Charitable Trust (SECT) actively and also financially supports the Nourishing Schools initiative, which reaches out to schoolchildren aged from 9-14 and teaches them hands-on techniques by which they can take charge of their own nutrition, and the Go2C Changemakers Foundation supports the Department of Women and Child Development of Haryana, based in Faridabad. This is a government department which is responsible for child health and nutrition, and implements the Integrated Child Development Scheme in coordination with the Haryana Department of Health.

Synergy has partnered with the Mauna Dhwani Foundation to set up sustainable livelihood centres in Odisha, which leverage tribal wisdom and crafts to create enduring eco-friendly products for use on merchant vessels.

The Mauna Dhwani Foundation is a not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to facilitate the revival and resurgence of personal and community identities by enabling the disenfranchised sections of society to find their voice and rightful place. The Foundation’s efforts are primarily focused on rehabilitation of women in marginalised communities through a holistic three-pronged methodology that includes:

  • self-empowerment
  • skill enhancement
  • sustainable livelihood

Our goal is to take this enterprise to 300 families over the next two years, enabling their craftswomen to create and maintain a sustainable livelihood, tackling extreme malnutrition with midday meals and supporting education for the children of these communities through an after-school programme.

Good Health and Wellbeing

SDG Goal 3 - Good Health & Well-being

This is a key topic at Synergy, with involvement in a great many initiatives. Here are just some of them.


Seeking to address the very serious issue of seafarers’ mental health, Synergy Marine Group created a counselling facility for all mariners i.e. not just Synergy personnel.


Launched in September 2018, iCALL is a free 24/7 psychological helpline for the worldwide maritime community. It is available in seven different languages and via phone, email, and the chat-based nULTA App.

This support is totally confidential and provided via 20 trained counsellors, all of whom have a relevant Master’s degree and have received further specialist training in (for example) emotional distress, relationship and family concerns, LGBT issues and work-life anxieties.

On a related theme ashore, Go2C has helped facilitate the purchase of two ambulances for Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation, which helps with the problems faced by mentally ill roadside destitutes nationwide, rescuing, treating and counselling them and then reuniting them with their families, sometimes in different parts of the world.

Of all the senses, sight is surely the most important, and Go2C also supports Adarsha Community Development Service Trust, which focuses on empowerment of the visually impaired (INR 120,000 towards rent and voice recorders for eight inmates), and has helped upscale the Aloka Vision Programme, an entrepreneurial network whose support includes quality training in basic eyecare, screening and dispensing of spectacles.

Quality Education

SDG Goal 4 - Quality Education

Synergy has been helping with education in many and varied ways.

Chennai is one of India’s largest industrial and commercial cities, but just as for many other places those in its slums have little or no access to education.

Synergy Educational and Charitable Trust (SECT) has been helping to facilitate this in some of Chennai’s underprivileged communities. The Hope Foundation Matriculation School at Thoraipakkam gives free quality education to local children, and SECT provided benches and key materials for a safe drinking water supply.

SECT is also supporting fishing communities from Kottivakkam and Velachery which are suburbs of the coast city of Chennai. with after-school help from a qualified teacher, each supporting 60 children in a local community centre. Go2C sourced laptops for both locations.

Again as in many places, biodiversity education remains a challenge in India, with students losing opportunities to understand the significance of their surroundings, the value of local natural heritage and related wisdom on health and food security.

“Every Child a Scientist” is a concept developed by Professor M S Swaminathan in order to develop education in biodiversity by a tailored curriculum including classroom lectures, debates, discussions and field visits.

So far, over 120 students have taken part in this programme, and SECT serves in an advisory role and has sponsored related events.

Also, in helping Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups, Go2C raised INR 130,000 for a memorable exposure visit to Kerala for 18 teachers and accompanying staff from two tribal schools from remote Jharkhand.

Gender Equality

SDG Goal 5 - Gender Equality

The full UN title is “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”. Plainly recruitment is part of the start of that, and there is so much more. This is what Synergy is about, here.

Recruitment, and also retention, are critical to expansion everywhere, and this keystone supports increased employment of women across the Synergy Group and the many other tenets of gender equality. From autumn 2018-19 the company trebled female seafarers, with Captain Radhika Menon (winner of the 2016 IMO award for exceptional bravery at sea) specifically tasked with mentoring young women eager for a seafaring career.

Overall, the Synergy gender ratio ashore is near 50:50, but (despite a recruitment drive in the Philippines that resulted in the first female LNG carrier cadet) at sea it remains a very different story, and certainly with comparatively few female officers. The company wants at least to double the number annually, actively seeking simply the right people, and within a wider industry that has long recruited only men, a nonsensical, self-defeating tradition that bars about half the talent pool.

The Group has long been aware of the major cultural (and, in truth, comparatively minor operational) factors in play, and regards these as education issues, just like respect, equal opportunities and avoidance of discrimination.

Synergy seeks the right balance of male and female employees both ashore and at sea, within a culture that champions each of the above and all other facets of this SDG.

Synergy has partnered with the Mauna Dhwani Foundation to set up sustainable livelihood centres in Odisha, which leverage tribal wisdom and crafts to create enduring eco-friendly products for use on merchant vessels.

The Mauna Dhwani Foundation is a not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to facilitate the revival and resurgence of personal and community identities by enabling the disenfranchised sections of society to find their voice and rightful place. The Foundation’s efforts are primarily focused on rehabilitation of women in marginalised communities through a holistic three-pronged methodology that includes:

  • self-empowerment
  • skill enhancement
  • sustainable livelihood

Our goal is to take this enterprise to 300 families over the next two years, enabling their craftswomen to create and maintain a sustainable livelihood, tackling extreme malnutrition with midday meals and supporting education for the children of these communities through an after-school programme.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are integral to the people strategy at Synergy, very simply because this is the right thing to do and it resonates with the ethos of the organisation in building a collaborative work environment.

The All Aboard Alliance brings together senior leaders from across the maritime industry, united by a collaborative drive towards increasing DEI in all organisations, at sea and on shore, and supported by Founding Knowledge Partners the Global Maritime Forum, the Diversity Study Group and Swiss Re.

Synergy fully supports the Alliance and is committed to pursuing the DEI journey in building an innovative and sustainable maritime sector of which all can be proud.

Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG Goal 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

Wholesome drinking water and good sanitation are two of life’s basics, and both are core elements in Synergy Educational and Charitable Trust’s (SECT) close involvement with the integrated development of many of India’s Panchayats. These are remote communities organised under a village (and sometimes tribal) council, and which often need help with other things, too, such as environment conservation, healthcare, school infrastructure and wider access to education.

Focussing on empowerment, and after close consultation with the local people, SECT is helping tackle the identified priority needs of various Panchayats, in collaboration with the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, together with the Trust for Village Self Governance, established by leading changemaker Elango Rangasamy.

For example, in the Thiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu, a development initiative was funded by SECT and dovetailed with multiple stakeholders. Engaging the regional workforce, and at an approximate cost of INR 12,500 each, this built 30 toilets at Adigathur Panchayat, with 30 more scheduled, and 51 at Chithukadu.

Also, after research and investigation, a detailed supply system was drawn up for Chithukadu. A great many borewells were then commissioned, drilled and each connected to six storage tanks, with dispensing systems to help provide dedicated, clean drinking water just a few steps from each household.

Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG Goal 7 & 11 - Affordable and Clean Energy

We cannot directly influence the weather, but we can meet its effects with technology for creating alternative energy sources and re-establishing community sustainability.

No rivers rise in the Tuljapur region of Marathwada, which receives 30% less rainfall than the national average. Since 2014 it has seen consistent cash and subsistence crop failure, grave hardship, widespread suicide among farmers and forced migration.

A solar farming model called Bloomsday Clock is helping, by turning even long drought to advantage. Using land to harvest free and abundant sunlight ensures sustained supplemental funding for farming communities, and mitigates low income from lean agricultural yield. Also, annually saving around 6.6 million litres of water compared to an equivalent thermal source, it helps conserve local supplies while contributing power to the regional grid.

It also means increased electricity to power local irrigation systems and support the needs of other nearby businesses, and also for domestic use, hence less reduction or cutting of supply to ease demand on conventional generating.

Go2C has been advising and assisting the Bloomsday Clock Solar Farm model by helping it secure leads on funding. For example, saving Bloomsday about INR 10 million, Go2C arranged for their Detailed Project Report to be prepared by India’s largest power generating company, Tata Power, and also helped secure specialists in presenting Bloomsday’s funding proposal.

Synergy is also part of the Getting to Zero Coalition, a partnership between the Global Maritime Forum and the World Economic Forum that brings together decision-makers from across the maritime, energy, infrastructure and finance sectors to commit to the vision of advancing Zero Emission Fuels, to support the transformational change towards a decarbonized, sustainable and affordable shipping industry.

Our CEO Capt. Rajesh Unni was recently elected as a new member of the Global Maritime Forum Board of Directors.

Synergy has partnered with next generation battery developer Alsym Energy and Japan’s largest ship owner Nissen Kaiun so that we will have non-flammable rechargeable batteries on managed vessels. These will further reduce emissions and also insurance costs, and will lessen risks for crew, cargo and vessel.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

We must all help in removing bars to opportunity and fetters on personal development.

The 2015-16 All India Survey of Higher Education showed that young undergraduate enrolment was no more than 25%, with poor formative schooling and lack of funding for higher education surely among the main reasons for that.

Synergy Educational and Charitable Trust (SECT) offers interest-free loans to help some students overcome these difficulties, as part of a scholarship programme that selects young men and women according to ability and need and helps fund study for a maritime career.

For 2018-19, SECT supported five candidates towards becoming rating or officer cadets. These were selected from all over India, overseen by the Synergy Marine Group recruitment structure and with involvement of external industry partners.

Looking slightly further ahead, Go2C advises and also gives practical help to an organisation called Citizens for Public Leadership.

CPL is a wholly apolitical and not-for-profit organisation whose sole objective is to ready our young people for the leadership challenges of public life. Operating via the learning community of an innovative fellowship programme, CPL first offers the next generation a global perspective by interaction with high quality thought leaders who expose them to the scope and challenges of the real world. It then seeks to prepare them by developing a detailed understanding of the public arena, alongside competencies that transcend the public-private sector divide.

Synergy has partnered with the Mauna Dhwani Foundation to set up sustainable livelihood centres in Odisha, which leverage tribal wisdom and crafts to create enduring eco-friendly products for use on merchant vessels.

The Mauna Dhwani Foundation is a not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to facilitate the revival and resurgence of personal and community identities by enabling the disenfranchised sections of society to find their voice and rightful place. The Foundation’s efforts are primarily focused on rehabilitation of women in marginalised communities through a holistic three-pronged methodology that includes:

  • self-empowerment
  • skill enhancement
  • sustainable livelihood

Our goal is to take this enterprise to 300 families over the next two years, enabling their craftswomen to create and maintain a sustainable livelihood, tackling extreme malnutrition with midday meals and supporting education for the children of these communities through an after-school programme.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are integral to the people strategy at Synergy, very simply because this is the right thing to do and it resonates with the ethos of the organisation in building a collaborative work environment.

The All Aboard Alliance brings together senior leaders from across the maritime industry, united by a collaborative drive towards increasing DEI in all organisations, at sea and on shore, and supported by Founding Knowledge Partners the Global Maritime Forum, the Diversity Study Group and Swiss Re.

Synergy fully supports the Alliance and is committed to pursuing the DEI journey in building an innovative and sustainable maritime sector of which all can be proud.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG Goal 9 - Industry Innovation and Infrastructure & Sustainable cities and communities

Synergy is very closely involved in all three.

At sea, the first two are captured in SmartShip, an internet-based platform for remote onboard monitoring and support. SmartShip is a digital solution for data collection and operational advice, which collates material from the vessel’s systems and displays it in order to assist both crew and managers in safe and optimal decision-making.

Ashore, through Synergy Educational and Charitable Trust (SECT) and Go2C Synergy has been helping to address one of India’s core infrastructure issues – the lack of acceptable urban housing.

Rapid economic growth in a developing country leads to progressive urbanisation fuelled by continued internal migration, and with limited resources there is acute pressure on basic amenities such as power, water, sanitation and most of all housing. The 2022 urban shortage is projected as 30 million homes, with a huge number already enduring informal settlements and slums. Founded in 2015, Indian Housing Federation (IHF) is a not-for-profit organisation that gives low-income communities access to suitable housing. It has established a network of key stakeholders in making decent, affordable dwellings a reality for the urban poor by encouraging creative dialogue and helping implement solutions through partnered development.

Go2C helped IHF to found a housing mission to create access to multiple housing options in Haryana, setting up an initial INR 300,000 as the core fund to begin construction of proper and affordable homes, with a further 900,000 provided directly by SECT.

Synergy has partnered with next generation battery developer Alsym Energy and Japan’s largest ship owner Nissen Kaiun so that we will have non-flammable rechargeable batteries on managed vessels. These will further reduce emissions and also insurance costs, and will lessen risks for crew, cargo and vessel.

Reduced Inequalities

SDG Goal 10 & 16 - Reducing Inequality and Peace Justice and Strong Institutions

The Railway Children is an endearing story about an Edwardian London family who go to live near a train line in Yorkshire.

But in India this phrase suggests something very different. Hundreds of youngsters run from home daily and are found wandering around rail stations nationwide, most destined for a life on perilous streets and many becoming victims of trafficking, drug peddling, child labour and other abuse.

Society for Children (SOCH) is a non-profit organisation established in 2012, which seeks to rescue, counsel, rehabilitate and where possible resettle missing and runaway children found at main railway stations in the eastern state of Odisha. It also helps working and begging children, and those on the verge of involvement in more serious activities.

SOCH has built a strong network among railway employees and other stakeholders, such as the National Crime Records Bureau, the Indian Railway Protection Force, the Union Ministry of Child Development and the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

Outreach initiatives on station platforms can lead to a rescue, after which the child receives any necessary first aid, and food and better clothing. Investigation of background then follows, as part of a process of specialist counselling, before the child is reunited with family or given institutional care and protection.

When SOCH came to our attention, Go2C helped to raise USD 3,500 from Yale University alumni to meet yearly expenses for the schooling, health and general wellbeing of 13 rescued girls.

Synergy has partnered with the Mauna Dhwani Foundation to set up sustainable livelihood centres in Odisha, which leverage tribal wisdom and crafts to create enduring eco-friendly products for use on merchant vessels.

The Mauna Dhwani Foundation is a not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to facilitate the revival and resurgence of personal and community identities by enabling the disenfranchised sections of society to find their voice and rightful place. The Foundation’s efforts are primarily focused on rehabilitation of women in marginalised communities through a holistic three-pronged methodology that includes:

skill enhancement
sustainable livelihood

Our goal is to take this enterprise to 300 families over the next two years, enabling their craftswomen to create and maintain a sustainable livelihood, tackling extreme malnutrition with midday meals and supporting education for the children of these communities through an after-school programme.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are integral to the people strategy at Synergy, very simply because this is the right thing to do and it resonates with the ethos of the organisation in building a collaborative work environment.

The All Aboard Alliance brings together senior leaders from across the maritime industry, united by a collaborative drive towards increasing DEI in all organisations, at sea and on shore, and supported by Founding Knowledge Partners the Global Maritime Forum, the Diversity Study Group and Swiss Re.

Synergy fully supports the Alliance and is committed to pursuing the DEI journey in building an innovative and sustainable maritime sector of which all can be proud.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG Goal 7 & 11 - Affordable and Clean Energy

We cannot directly influence the weather, but we can meet its effects with technology for creating alternative energy sources and re-establishing community sustainability.

No rivers rise in the Tuljapur region of Marathwada, which receives 30% less rainfall than the national average. Since 2014 it has seen consistent cash and subsistence crop failure, grave hardship, widespread suicide among farmers and forced migration.

A solar farming model called Bloomsday Clock is helping, by turning even long drought to advantage. Using land to harvest free and abundant sunlight ensures sustained supplemental funding for farming communities, and mitigates low income from lean agricultural yield. Also, annually saving around 6.6 million litres of water compared to an equivalent thermal source, it helps conserve local supplies while contributing power to the regional grid.

It also means increased electricity to power local irrigation systems and support the needs of other nearby businesses, and also for domestic use, hence less reduction or cutting of supply to ease demand on conventional generating.

Go2C has been advising and assisting the Bloomsday Clock Solar Farm model by helping it secure leads on funding. For example, saving Bloomsday about INR 10 million, Go2C arranged for their Detailed Project Report to be prepared by India’s largest power generating company, Tata Power, and also helped secure specialists in presenting Bloomsday’s funding proposal.

Synergy is also part of the Getting to Zero Coalition, a partnership between the Global Maritime Forum and the World Economic Forum that brings together decision-makers from across the maritime, energy, infrastructure and finance sectors to commit to the vision of advancing Zero Emission Fuels, to support the transformational change towards a decarbonized, sustainable and affordable shipping industry.

Our CEO Capt. Rajesh Unni was recently elected as a new member of the Global Maritime Forum Board of Directors.

Synergy has partnered with next generation battery developer Alsym Energy and Japan’s largest ship owner Nissen Kaiun so that we will have non-flammable rechargeable batteries on managed vessels. These will further reduce emissions and also insurance costs, and will lessen risks for crew, cargo and vessel.

Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

ESTAH Society is a collective that works on projects in support of farmers and other food producers, with a strong focus on rural entrepreneurship, and SECT has helped ESTAH to purchase a Euro PowerTrac Tractor with a contribution of Rs 7 lakhs.

It is the responsibility of us all to preserve and maintain the oceans on which our businesses – and our planet – depend. With that in mind, in 2021 we pledged that our 500+ fleet of vessels would work with the International Marine Purchasing Association (IMPA) to help reduce the almost one billion litres of drinking water delivered to the global shipping fleet each year, which generates more than 40 tons of waste bottles.

IMPA SAVE addresses the global marine plastic and micro-plastic problem systemically, by for example seeking to minimise single-use water bottles to support the UN 2030 agenda, primarily concentrating on carbon reduction, environmental protection and preservation and reducing consumption of resources.

Climate Action

SDG Goal 13, 14 - Climate Action and Life below water

The full titles of these SDGs are respectively “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” and “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.”

Two concepts more directly relevant to the maritime world would be hard to find.

Floods, typhoons and wildfires are increasingly common as proof of climate change, whose immediate reversal is an absolute priority, and the April 2018 agreement to at least halve shipping’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 was hailed as a major industry breakthrough.

Believing that innovation in tackling climate change is part of any modern and responsible company’s duties, Synergy Group is a founding member of the Getting to Zero Coalition. This is an alliance of over 80 public and private sector bodies committed to decarbonisation of international shipping. It follows IMO strategy on reducing greenhouse gases, but with an even more ambitious goal of powering all deep sea vessels by commercially viable zero emission fuel by 2030.

1 January 2020 was the IMO compliance deadline for capping sulphur in bunker fuel, for which the maritime industry had long been planning, and is now using either new blends or scrubbers in order to meet the SOx emission controls.

Synergy started charting a course towards a greener future long before then, with a special projects team working on several innovative design concepts, seeking continually to improve the efficiency of its operations and to develop more collaboration in further reducing pollution and lessening waste and resource use.

It is the responsibility of us all to preserve and maintain the oceans on which our businesses – and our planet – depend. With that in mind, in 2021 we pledged that our 500+ fleet of vessels would work with the International Marine Purchasing Association (IMPA) to help reduce the almost one billion litres of drinking water delivered to the global shipping fleet each year, which generates more than 40 tons of waste bottles.

IMPA SAVE addresses the global marine plastic and micro-plastic problem systemically, by for example seeking to minimise single-use water bottles to support the UN 2030 agenda, primarily concentrating on carbon reduction, environmental protection and preservation and reducing consumption of resources.

Synergy has partnered with next generation battery developer Alsym Energy and Japan’s largest ship owner Nissen Kaiun so that we will have non-flammable rechargeable batteries on managed vessels. These will further reduce emissions and also insurance costs, and will lessen risks for crew, cargo and vessel.

Life Below Water

SDG Goal 13, 14 - Climate Action and Life below water

The full titles of these SDGs are respectively “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” and “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.”

Two concepts more directly relevant to the maritime world would be hard to find.

Floods, typhoons and wildfires are increasingly common as proof of climate change, whose immediate reversal is an absolute priority, and the April 2018 agreement to at least halve shipping’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 was hailed as a major industry breakthrough.

Believing that innovation in tackling climate change is part of any modern and responsible company’s duties, Synergy Group is a founding member of the Getting to Zero Coalition. This is an alliance of over 80 public and private sector bodies committed to decarbonisation of international shipping. It follows IMO strategy on reducing greenhouse gases, but with an even more ambitious goal of powering all deep sea vessels by commercially viable zero emission fuel by 2030.

1 January 2020 was the IMO compliance deadline for capping sulphur in bunker fuel, for which the maritime industry had long been planning, and is now using either new blends or scrubbers in order to meet the SOx emission controls.

Synergy started charting a course towards a greener future long before then, with a special projects team working on several innovative design concepts, seeking continually to improve the efficiency of its operations and to develop more collaboration in further reducing pollution and lessening waste and resource use.

It is the responsibility of us all to preserve and maintain the oceans on which our businesses – and our planet – depend. With that in mind, in 2021 we pledged that our 500+ fleet of vessels would work with the International Marine Purchasing Association (IMPA) to help reduce the almost one billion litres of drinking water delivered to the global shipping fleet each year, which generates more than 40 tons of waste bottles.

IMPA SAVE addresses the global marine plastic and micro-plastic problem systemically, by for example seeking to minimise single-use water bottles to support the UN 2030 agenda, primarily concentrating on carbon reduction, environmental protection and preservation and reducing consumption of resources.

Synergy has partnered with next generation battery developer Alsym Energy and Japan’s largest ship owner Nissen Kaiun so that we will have non-flammable rechargeable batteries on managed vessels. These will further reduce emissions and also insurance costs, and will lessen risks for crew, cargo and vessel.

Life on Land

SDG Goal 15

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

SDG Goal 10 & 16 - Reducing Inequality and Peace Justice and Strong Institutions

The Railway Children is an endearing story about an Edwardian London family who go to live near a train line in Yorkshire.

But in India this phrase suggests something very different. Hundreds of youngsters run from home daily and are found wandering around rail stations nationwide, most destined for a life on perilous streets and many becoming victims of trafficking, drug peddling, child labour and other abuse.

Society for Children (SOCH) is a non-profit organisation established in 2012, which seeks to rescue, counsel, rehabilitate and where possible resettle missing and runaway children found at main railway stations in the eastern state of Odisha. It also helps working and begging children, and those on the verge of involvement in more serious activities.

SOCH has built a strong network among railway employees and other stakeholders, such as the National Crime Records Bureau, the Indian Railway Protection Force, the Union Ministry of Child Development and the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

Outreach initiatives on station platforms can lead to a rescue, after which the child receives any necessary first aid, and food and better clothing. Investigation of background then follows, as part of a process of specialist counselling, before the child is reunited with family or given institutional care and protection.

When SOCH came to our attention, Go2C helped to raise USD 3,500 from Yale University alumni to meet yearly expenses for the schooling, health and general wellbeing of 13 rescued girls.

Synergy has partnered with the Mauna Dhwani Foundation to set up sustainable livelihood centres in Odisha, which leverage tribal wisdom and crafts to create enduring eco-friendly products for use on merchant vessels.

The Mauna Dhwani Foundation is a not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to facilitate the revival and resurgence of personal and community identities by enabling the disenfranchised sections of society to find their voice and rightful place. The Foundation’s efforts are primarily focused on rehabilitation of women in marginalised communities through a holistic three-pronged methodology that includes:

skill enhancement
sustainable livelihood

Our goal is to take this enterprise to 300 families over the next two years, enabling their craftswomen to create and maintain a sustainable livelihood, tackling extreme malnutrition with midday meals and supporting education for the children of these communities through an after-school programme.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are integral to the people strategy at Synergy, very simply because this is the right thing to do and it resonates with the ethos of the organisation in building a collaborative work environment.

The All Aboard Alliance brings together senior leaders from across the maritime industry, united by a collaborative drive towards increasing DEI in all organisations, at sea and on shore, and supported by Founding Knowledge Partners the Global Maritime Forum, the Diversity Study Group and Swiss Re.

Synergy fully supports the Alliance and is committed to pursuing the DEI journey in building an innovative and sustainable maritime sector of which all can be proud.

Partnerships for the Goals

SDG Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals

This SDG emphasises linkage with other industry stakeholders.

As part of Shell Partners for Safety we seek a Zero Incident Industry, with no harm and no LOPC or other loss across all our operations. We ensure that everyone has the necessary training and skills, and our safety experts network widely in order to share and implement best practices worldwide.

Our RightShip partner is the world’s leading organisation in maritime risk management and environmental assessment, and their key mission is to improve the safety and environmental sustainability of the maritime industry.

Synergy has also partnered with MIT to conduct research on carbon capture.

This involves technologies that reduce emissions by “capturing” CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere and then transporting it to storage for later use. It is unique in climate change mitigation in dealing directly with fossil fuels, rather than providing alternatives.

iCall was launched in 2018 in partnership with the TATA Institute of Social Sciences, and is part of a vision to create a free and readily accessible service for mental wellbeing and a sound environment on board, where mental health is prioritised, seeking help is normalised and discrimination and stigma banished.

MACN is the Marine Anti-Corruption Network. Synergy became a member in early 2020, having long dealt with many oil majors and other owner and operator members. Synergy was thus already fully conversant with all MACN requirements and guidelines, and is training all employees accordingly as part of its total commitment to eradicating corruption.

As a leading ship manager, we intimately understand the importance of delivering consistent and quality services to our clients. As a member of “The International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners” (INTERCARGO), we represent the interests of our dry cargo shipowner-clients in developing and implementing strategies to enhance the maritime industry’s standards of safety, quality, the environment, and operational excellence. INTERCARGO has NGO consultative status at the International Maritime Organization (a United Nations specialized agency) and is a prominent voice representing the dry bulk sector in many other fora.

Synergy Marine Group is a member of The International Maritime Employers’ Council (IMEC), the world’s only organisation dedicated to maritime industrial relations.

Synergy is also part of the Getting to Zero Coalition, a partnership between the Global Maritime Forum and the World Economic Forum that brings together decision-makers from across the maritime, energy, infrastructure and finance sectors to commit to the vision of advancing Zero Emission Fuels, to support the transformational change towards a decarbonized, sustainable and affordable shipping industry.

Our CEO Capt. Rajesh Unni was recently elected as a new member of the Global Maritime Forum Board of Directors.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are integral to the people strategy at Synergy, very simply because this is the right thing to do and it resonates with the ethos of the organisation in building a collaborative work environment.

The All Aboard Alliance brings together senior leaders from across the maritime industry, united by a collaborative drive towards increasing DEI in all organisations, at sea and on shore, and supported by Founding Knowledge Partners the Global Maritime Forum, the Diversity Study Group and Swiss Re.

Synergy fully supports the Alliance and is committed to pursuing the DEI journey in building an innovative and sustainable maritime sector of which all can be proud.

Synergy has partnered with the Mauna Dhwani Foundation to set up sustainable livelihood centres in Odisha, which leverage tribal wisdom and crafts to create enduring eco-friendly products for use on merchant vessels.

The Mauna Dhwani Foundation is a not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to facilitate the revival and resurgence of personal and community identities by enabling the disenfranchised sections of society to find their voice and rightful place. The Foundation’s efforts are primarily focused on rehabilitation of women in marginalised communities through a holistic three-pronged methodology that includes:

skill enhancement
sustainable livelihood

Our goal is to take this enterprise to 300 families over the next two years, enabling their craftswomen to create and maintain a sustainable livelihood, tackling extreme malnutrition with midday meals and supporting education for the children of these communities through an after-school programme.

It is the responsibility of us all to preserve and maintain the oceans on which our businesses – and our planet – depend. With that in mind, in 2021 we pledged that our 500+ fleet of vessels would work with the International Marine Purchasing Association (IMPA) to help reduce the almost one billion litres of drinking water delivered to the global shipping fleet each year, which generates more than 40 tons of waste bottles.

IMPA SAVE addresses the global marine plastic and micro-plastic problem systemically, by for example seeking to minimise single-use water bottles to support the UN 2030 agenda, primarily concentrating on carbon reduction, environmental protection and preservation and reducing consumption of resources.

Synergy has partnered with next generation battery developer Alsym Energy and Japan’s largest ship owner Nissen Kaiun so that we will have non-flammable rechargeable batteries on managed vessels. These will further reduce emissions and also insurance costs, and will lessen risks for crew, cargo and vessel.

The shipping industry transports more than one third of the value of global trade, providing more than four million jobs, and faces a host of regulations and stakeholder expectations for safe operations. Synergy is a member of the Container Ship Safety Forum, a platform for identifying improvements in safety management systems through measuring, reporting and benchmarking, sharing best practices and engaging with key stakeholders to develop durable solutions and ensuring that no harm is caused to people, vessels, cargoes or the environment.

Synergy Logo
Synergy Logo
No Poverty

SDGs目標1 貧困をなくそう




ムンバイに拠点を置くライト・オブ・ライフ・トラスト(LOLT)は、子どもたちが貧困と機会の喪失という世代間のサイクルを断ち切るための支援とガイダンスを提供しています。 マハラシュトラ州カルジャットの小さなセンターから始まったLOLTは、現在65のセンターを持ち、雇用適性のための教育、権限、装備を信条として、約800の村に手を差し伸べています。


Synergyには、いくつかの従業員イニシアチブもあります。 例えば、プネのオフィスは、疎外されたコミュニティのホームレスの子供たちの住居や食事を提供するRainbow Homesという地元のアウトリーチを支援しており、シンガポールのオフィスは、40以上の場所で貧しい人々に毎日5,000食以上の食事を準備して配布し、医療や法律扶助サービスを提供している慈善団体であるWilling Heartsを支援しています。


マウナ・ドワニ財団は、社会の公民権を奪われた人々が自分の声と正当な場所を見つけられるようにすることで、個人やコミュニティのアイデンティティの復活と復活を促進することを目的とした非営利の社会的企業です。 財団の取り組みは、主に、以下を含む包括的な3つの方法論を通じて、疎外されたコミュニティの女性のリハビリテーションに焦点を当てています。

  • 自己啓発
  • スキル強化
  • 持続可能な生活


SDGs目標2 飢餓をゼロに



2015-16年の全国家族健康調査-4では、生後23か月まで、5歳未満の35.8%が低体重で、世界レベルの約12倍、38.4%が発育阻害、21%が無駄、つまり身長の予想よりも体重が少ないことが明らかになりました。 インドの子どもの栄養状態は、ハリヤナ州のような比較的裕福な州でさえ、6〜23ヶ月の子どもの7.5%しか十分な食事をとっていない。

これに応えて、Poshan Abhiyaanはインドの旗艦プログラムであり、妊娠中と授乳中の栄養を改善するための複数の省庁のミッションであり、同様に5歳未満と青年の間でも異なります。 これは、栄養失調に対する広範かつ正確に標的を絞った攻撃の中で、全国的な情報(基本的な栄養の詳細や食料管理を含む)、焦点を絞った介入、および大幅に改善されたパストラルケアを備えたテクノロジーを活用することによって達成されています。

とりわけ、Synergy Educational and Charitable Trust(SECT)は、9〜14歳の学童に手を差し伸べ、自分で栄養を管理できる実践的なテクニックを教えるNourishing Schoolsイニシアチブを積極的かつ財政的に支援し、Go2C ChangemakersFoundationはハリヤナ州の女性児童発達局を支援しています。 ファリダバードを拠点としています。 これは、子供の健康と栄養を担当する政府部門であり、ハリヤナ州保健局と連携して統合児童発達計画を実施しています。


マウナ・ドワニ財団は、社会の公民権を奪われた人々が自分の声と正当な場所を見つけられるようにすることで、個人やコミュニティのアイデンティティの復活と復活を促進することを目的とした非営利の社会的企業です。 財団の取り組みは、主に、以下を含む包括的な3つの方法論を通じて、疎外されたコミュニティの女性のリハビリテーションに焦点を当てています。

  • 自己啓発
  • スキル強化
  • 持続可能な生活


Good Health and Wellbeing

SDGs目標3 - すべての人に健康と福祉を

これは、非常に多くのイニシアチブに関与しているSynergyの重要なトピックです。 ここでは、その一部をご紹介します。

船員のメンタルヘルスという非常に深刻な問題に対処するために、Synergy Marine Groupは、Synergyのスタッフだけでなく、すべての船員のためのカウンセリング施設を設立しました。

2018年9月に開始されたiCALLは、世界中の海事コミュニティのための無料の24/7心理的ヘルプラインです。 7つの異なる言語で、電話、電子メール、チャットベースのnULTAアプリで利用できます。


陸上での関連テーマとして、Go2Cは、全国の精神障害者の道端の貧困者が直面する問題を支援し、救助、治療、カウンセリングを行い、時には世界のさまざまな地域にいる家族と再会させるShraddha Rehabilitation Foundationのために、2台の救急車の購入を促進しました。

すべての感覚の中で、視力は間違いなく最も重要であり、Go2Cは、視覚障害者のエンパワーメントに焦点を当てたAdarsha Community Development Service Trust(8人の受刑者のための家賃とボイスレコーダーに120,000インドルピー)を支援し、基本的な眼科医療の質の高いトレーニングを含む支援を行う起業家ネットワークであるAloka Vision Programmeの拡大を支援しています。 眼鏡のスクリーニングと調剤。

Quality Education

SDGsの目標4 - 質の高い教育をみんなに



シナジー教育慈善信託(SECT)は、チェンナイの恵まれないコミュニティのいくつかでこれを促進するのを支援してきました。 ソライパッカムのホープ財団入学学校は、地元の子供たちに質の高い教育を無料で提供し、SECTは安全な飲料水供給のためのベンチと重要な材料を提供しました。

SECTは、チェンナイの海岸都市郊外であるコッティヴァッカムとヴェラチェリーの漁業コミュニティも支援しています。 放課後、資格のある教師が地元のコミュニティセンターで60人の子供たちを支援しています。 Go2Cは、両方の場所でラップトップを調達しました。


「Every Child a Scientist」は、M・S・スワミナサン教授が、教室での講義、討論、討論、現地視察など、カスタマイズされたカリキュラムによって生物多様性の教育を発展させるために開発したコンセプトです。



Gender Equality

SDGsの目標5 ジェンダー平等を実現しよう

国連の正式名称は「ジェンダー平等を達成し、すべての女性と女児のエンパワーメントを図る」です。 明らかに、採用はその始まりの一部であり、それだけではありません。 これが、シナジーの目的です。

採用と定着は、あらゆる場所での拡大に不可欠であり、このキーストーンは、シナジーグループ全体での女性の雇用の増加や、ジェンダー平等に関する他の多くの信条を支えています。 2018年から19年にかけて、同社は女性船員を3倍に増やし、ラディカ・メノン船長(2016年IMO賞の海上での並外れた勇気を受賞)は、船員としてのキャリアを熱望する若い女性を指導することを特に任務としました。

全体として、陸上でのシナジーの男女比は50:50に近いが、海上では(フィリピンでの採用活動により初の女性LNG船士官候補生が誕生したにもかかわらず)、海上では全く異なる状況が続いており、女性士官が比較的少ないのは確かである。 同社は、少なくとも毎年その数を2倍にしたいと考えており、単に適切な人材を積極的に探しており、長い間男性だけを採用してきたより広い業界の中で、人材プールの約半分を禁止する無意味で自滅的な伝統です。




マウナ・ドワニ財団は、社会の公民権を奪われた人々が自分の声と正当な場所を見つけられるようにすることで、個人やコミュニティのアイデンティティの復活と復活を促進することを目的とした非営利の社会的企業です。 財団の取り組みは、主に、以下を含む包括的な3つの方法論を通じて、疎外されたコミュニティの女性のリハビリテーションに焦点を当てています。

  • 自己啓発
  • スキル強化
  • 持続可能な生活



All Aboard Allianceは、海運業界全体のシニアリーダーを結集し、海陸を問わず、すべての組織でDEIを向上させるための協力的な取り組みによって団結し、ナレッジパートナーであるGlobal Maritime Forum、Diversity Study Group、Swiss Reの支援を受けています。


Clean Water and Sanitation

SDGsの目標6 - 安全な水とトイレを世界中に

健康的な飲料水と良好な衛生設備は生活の基本であり、どちらもシナジー教育慈善信託(SECT)がインドの多くのパンチャーヤットの統合開発に密接に関与する中核的な要素です。 これらは、村(時には部族)の評議会の下で組織された遠隔地のコミュニティであり、環境保全、医療、学校インフラ、教育へのより広いアクセスなど、他のことについても支援を必要とすることがよくあります。


例えば、タミル・ナードゥ州のティルヴァルール地区では、開発イニシアチブがSECTから資金提供を受け、複数の利害関係者と協力しました。 地域の労働力を巻き込み、それぞれ約12,500ルピーの費用で、アディガトゥール・パンチャヤットに30のトイレを建設し、さらに30のトイレを建設し、チトゥカドゥに51のトイレを建設しました。

また、調査と調査の後、チトゥカドゥの詳細な供給システムが作成されました。 その後、非常に多くの井戸が稼働し、掘削され、それぞれが6つの貯蔵タンクに接続され、各家庭からわずか数歩のところに専用の清潔な飲料水を供給するのに役立つ分配システムが設置されました。

Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG目標7と11 - エネルギーをみんなにそしてクリーンに


マラスワダのトゥルジャプール地域では、全国平均よりも降雨量が30%少ないため、川の増水はありません。 2014年以来、現金と自給自足の作物の不作、深刻な苦難、農民の自殺の蔓延、強制移住が一貫して発生している。

ブルームズデイクロックと呼ばれる太陽光発電モデルは、長い干ばつでさえ有利に変えることで役立っています。 土地を使用して無料で豊富な日光を収穫することで、農村コミュニティの持続的な補足資金が確保され、農業収量の減少による低所得が軽減されます。 また、同等の熱源と比較して年間約660万リットルの水を節約し、地域の送電網に電力を供給しながら、地域の供給を節約するのに役立ちます。


Go2Cは、ブルームズデイ・クロック・ソーラー・ファーム・モデルが資金調達のリードを確保するのを支援することで、助言と支援を行ってきました。 たとえば、ブルームズデイを約1,000万インドルピー節約したGo2Cは、インド最大の発電会社であるタタパワーが詳細なプロジェクトレポートを作成するよう手配し、ブルームズデイの資金調達提案を提示する専門家の確保を支援しました。

Synergyは、海事、エネルギー、インフラ、金融の各セクターの意思決定者を集めてゼロエミッション燃料を推進するというビジョンにコミットし、脱炭素で持続可能で手頃な価格の海運業界に向けた変革を支援する、Global Maritime Forumと世界経済フォーラムのパートナーシップであるGetting to Zero Coalitionの一環でもあります。


シナジーは、次世代電池開発会社であるアルシム・エナジー社や、日本最大の船主である日仙海運社と提携し、不燃性二次電池を船舶に搭載することになりました。 これにより、排出量と保険料がさらに削減され、乗組員、貨物、船舶のリスクが軽減されます。

Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDGsの目標8 - 働きがいも経済成長も




2018-19年度、SECTは士官候補生または士官候補生になるための5人の候補者を支援しました。 これらは、Synergy Marine Groupの採用構造によって監督され、外部の業界パートナーが関与して、インド全土から選ばれました。

もう少し先を見据えて、Go2CはCitizens for Public Leadershipと呼ばれる組織に助言し、実践的な支援も行っています。

CPLは、完全に非政治的で非営利の組織であり、その唯一の目的は、若者が公的生活のリーダーシップの課題に備えることです。 革新的なフェローシッププログラムの学習コミュニティを通じて運営されているCPLは、まず、次世代のオピニオンリーダーと交流し、現実世界の範囲と課題に触れることで、グローバルな視点を提供します。 次に、公共部門と民間部門の分裂を超越する能力とともに、公共の場の詳細な理解を深めることによって、それらを準備しようとしています。


マウナ・ドワニ財団は、社会の公民権を奪われた人々が自分の声と正当な場所を見つけられるようにすることで、個人やコミュニティのアイデンティティの復活と復活を促進することを目的とした非営利の社会的企業です。 財団の取り組みは、主に、以下を含む包括的な3つの方法論を通じて、疎外されたコミュニティの女性のリハビリテーションに焦点を当てています。

  • 自己啓発
  • スキル強化
  • 持続可能な生活



All Aboard Allianceは、海運業界全体のシニアリーダーを結集し、海陸を問わず、すべての組織でDEIを向上させるための協力的な取り組みによって団結し、ナレッジパートナーであるGlobal Maritime Forum、Diversity Study Group、Swiss Reの支援を受けています。


Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDGs目標9 - 産業を革新し、インフラをつくり、住み続けられるまちづくりをしよう


海上では、最初の2つは、船上での遠隔監視とサポートのためのインターネットベースのプラットフォームであるSmartShipに捕捉されます。 SmartShipは、データ収集と運用アドバイスのためのデジタルソリューションであり、船舶のシステムからの資料を照合して表示し、乗組員と管理者の両方が安全で最適な意思決定を行うのを支援します。

陸上では、Synergy Educational and Charitable Trust(SECT)とGo2C Synergyを通じて、インドの中核的なインフラ問題の1つである都市住宅の不足に対処してきました。

発展途上国の急速な経済成長は、継続的な国内移住によって加速される進歩的な都市化につながり、限られた資源により、電力、水、衛生、そして何よりも住宅などの基本的な設備に深刻な圧力がかかります。 2022年の都市部の住宅不足は3,000万戸と予測されており、すでに膨大な数の住宅が非公式の居住地やスラム街に耐えています。 2015年に設立されたインド住宅連盟(IHF)は、低所得者層に適切な住宅へのアクセスを提供する非営利団体です。 創造的な対話を奨励し、共同開発を通じて解決策の実施を支援することにより、都市の貧困層のために適切で手頃な価格の住居を実現するための主要な利害関係者のネットワークを確立しました。


シナジーは、次世代電池開発会社であるアルシム・エナジー社や、日本最大の船主である日仙海運社と提携し、不燃性二次電池を船舶に搭載することになりました。 これにより、排出量と保険料がさらに削減され、乗組員、貨物、船舶のリスクが軽減されます。

Reduced Inequalities

SDG目標10・16 - 不平等の削減と平和、正義と強力な制度

『The Railway Children』は、ヨークシャーの鉄道路線の近くに住むことになったエドワード朝のロンドンの家族を描いた、愛らしい物語です。

しかし、インドでは、このフレーズは非常に異なることを示唆しています。 毎日何百人もの若者が家を出て、全国の鉄道駅をさまよっているのが見つかり、そのほとんどが危険な路上での生活を余儀なくされ、多くが人身売買、麻薬密売、児童労働、その他の虐待の犠牲者になっています。

Society for Children(SOCH)は、2012年に設立された非営利団体で、東部のオリッサ州の主要鉄道駅で発見された行方不明の子供たちや家出した子供たちの救助、カウンセリング、リハビリテーション、そして可能であれば再定住を目指しています。 また、仕事をしたり物乞いをしたりする子供たちや、より深刻な活動に関わろうとしている子供たちにも役立ちます。


駅のプラットホームでのアウトリーチ活動は救助につながり、その後、子どもは必要な応急処置、食料、より良い衣服を受け取ることができます。 その後、専門家によるカウンセリングのプロセスの一環として、子どもが家族と再会したり、施設でのケアや保護を受けたりする前に、背景の調査が行われます。



マウナ・ドワニ財団は、社会の公民権を奪われた人々が自分の声と正当な場所を見つけられるようにすることで、個人やコミュニティのアイデンティティの復活と復活を促進することを目的とした非営利の社会的企業です。 財団の取り組みは、主に、以下を含む包括的な3つの方法論を通じて、疎外されたコミュニティの女性のリハビリテーションに焦点を当てています。




All Aboard Allianceは、海運業界全体のシニアリーダーを結集し、海陸を問わず、すべての組織でDEIを向上させるための協力的な取り組みによって団結し、ナレッジパートナーであるGlobal Maritime Forum、Diversity Study Group、Swiss Reの支援を受けています。


Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG目標7と11 - エネルギーをみんなにそしてクリーンに


マラスワダのトゥルジャプール地域では、全国平均よりも降雨量が30%少ないため、川の増水はありません。 2014年以来、現金と自給自足の作物の不作、深刻な苦難、農民の自殺の蔓延、強制移住が一貫して発生している。

ブルームズデイクロックと呼ばれる太陽光発電モデルは、長い干ばつでさえ有利に変えることで役立っています。 土地を使用して無料で豊富な日光を収穫することで、農村コミュニティの持続的な補足資金が確保され、農業収量の減少による低所得が軽減されます。 また、同等の熱源と比較して年間約660万リットルの水を節約し、地域の送電網に電力を供給しながら、地域の供給を節約するのに役立ちます。


Go2Cは、ブルームズデイ・クロック・ソーラー・ファーム・モデルが資金調達のリードを確保するのを支援することで、助言と支援を行ってきました。 たとえば、ブルームズデイを約1,000万インドルピー節約したGo2Cは、インド最大の発電会社であるタタパワーが詳細なプロジェクトレポートを作成するよう手配し、ブルームズデイの資金調達提案を提示する専門家の確保を支援しました。

Synergyは、海事、エネルギー、インフラ、金融の各セクターの意思決定者を集めてゼロエミッション燃料を推進するというビジョンにコミットし、脱炭素で持続可能で手頃な価格の海運業界に向けた変革を支援する、Global Maritime Forumと世界経済フォーラムのパートナーシップであるGetting to Zero Coalitionの一環でもあります。


シナジーは、次世代電池開発会社であるアルシム・エナジー社や、日本最大の船主である日仙海運社と提携し、不燃性二次電池を船舶に搭載することになりました。 これにより、排出量と保険料がさらに削減され、乗組員、貨物、船舶のリスクが軽減されます。

Responsible Consumption and Production



私たちのビジネスと地球が依存している海を保全し、維持することは、私たち全員の責任です。 このことを念頭に置いて、2021年には、500+隻の船隊が国際海運購買協会(IMPA)と協力して、40トン以上の廃棄物ボトルを発生させる世界の船隊に毎年供給される約10億リットルの飲料水を削減することを約束しました。

IMPA SAVEは、国連の2030アジェンダをサポートするために使い捨てのウォーターボトルを最小限に抑えることを目指し、主に炭素削減、環境保護、保全、資源消費の削減に焦点を当てることで、世界の海洋プラスチックとマイクロプラスチックの問題に体系的に取り組んでいます。

Climate Action

SDGsの目標13、14 - 気候変動に具体的な対策をとろう




気候変動への取り組みにおけるイノベーションは、現代的で責任ある企業の義務の一部であると信じており、Synergy GroupはGetting to Zero Coalitionの創設メンバーです。 これは、国際海運の脱炭素化に取り組む80以上の公的機関と民間部門の機関の同盟です。 これは、温室効果ガスの削減に関するIMOの戦略に従いますが、2030年までに商業的に実行可能なゼロエミッション燃料ですべての深海船舶に電力を供給するというさらに野心的な目標を掲げています。



私たちのビジネスと地球が依存している海を保全し、維持することは、私たち全員の責任です。 このことを念頭に置いて、2021年には、500+隻の船隊が国際海運購買協会(IMPA)と協力して、40トン以上の廃棄物ボトルを発生させる世界の船隊に毎年供給される約10億リットルの飲料水を削減することを約束しました。

IMPA SAVEは、国連の2030アジェンダをサポートするために使い捨てのウォーターボトルを最小限に抑えることを目指し、主に炭素削減、環境保護、保全、資源消費の削減に焦点を当てることで、世界の海洋プラスチックとマイクロプラスチックの問題に体系的に取り組んでいます。

シナジーは、次世代電池開発会社であるアルシム・エナジー社や、日本最大の船主である日仙海運社と提携し、不燃性二次電池を船舶に搭載することになりました。 これにより、排出量と保険料がさらに削減され、乗組員、貨物、船舶のリスクが軽減されます。

Life Below Water

SDGsの目標13、14 - 気候変動に具体的な対策をとろう




気候変動への取り組みにおけるイノベーションは、現代的で責任ある企業の義務の一部であると信じており、Synergy GroupはGetting to Zero Coalitionの創設メンバーです。 これは、国際海運の脱炭素化に取り組む80以上の公的機関と民間部門の機関の同盟です。 これは、温室効果ガスの削減に関するIMOの戦略に従いますが、2030年までに商業的に実行可能なゼロエミッション燃料ですべての深海船舶に電力を供給するというさらに野心的な目標を掲げています。



私たちのビジネスと地球が依存している海を保全し、維持することは、私たち全員の責任です。 このことを念頭に置いて、2021年には、500+隻の船隊が国際海運購買協会(IMPA)と協力して、40トン以上の廃棄物ボトルを発生させる世界の船隊に毎年供給される約10億リットルの飲料水を削減することを約束しました。

IMPA SAVEは、国連の2030アジェンダをサポートするために使い捨てのウォーターボトルを最小限に抑えることを目指し、主に炭素削減、環境保護、保全、資源消費の削減に焦点を当てることで、世界の海洋プラスチックとマイクロプラスチックの問題に体系的に取り組んでいます。

シナジーは、次世代電池開発会社であるアルシム・エナジー社や、日本最大の船主である日仙海運社と提携し、不燃性二次電池を船舶に搭載することになりました。 これにより、排出量と保険料がさらに削減され、乗組員、貨物、船舶のリスクが軽減されます。

Life on Land



Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

SDG目標10・16 - 不平等の削減と平和、正義と強力な制度

『The Railway Children』は、ヨークシャーの鉄道路線の近くに住むことになったエドワード朝のロンドンの家族を描いた、愛らしい物語です。

しかし、インドでは、このフレーズは非常に異なることを示唆しています。 毎日何百人もの若者が家を出て、全国の鉄道駅をさまよっているのが見つかり、そのほとんどが危険な路上での生活を余儀なくされ、多くが人身売買、麻薬密売、児童労働、その他の虐待の犠牲者になっています。

Society for Children(SOCH)は、2012年に設立された非営利団体で、東部のオリッサ州の主要鉄道駅で発見された行方不明の子供たちや家出した子供たちの救助、カウンセリング、リハビリテーション、そして可能であれば再定住を目指しています。 また、仕事をしたり物乞いをしたりする子供たちや、より深刻な活動に関わろうとしている子供たちにも役立ちます。


駅のプラットホームでのアウトリーチ活動は救助につながり、その後、子どもは必要な応急処置、食料、より良い衣服を受け取ることができます。 その後、専門家によるカウンセリングのプロセスの一環として、子どもが家族と再会したり、施設でのケアや保護を受けたりする前に、背景の調査が行われます。



マウナ・ドワニ財団は、社会の公民権を奪われた人々が自分の声と正当な場所を見つけられるようにすることで、個人やコミュニティのアイデンティティの復活と復活を促進することを目的とした非営利の社会的企業です。 財団の取り組みは、主に、以下を含む包括的な3つの方法論を通じて、疎外されたコミュニティの女性のリハビリテーションに焦点を当てています。




All Aboard Allianceは、海運業界全体のシニアリーダーを結集し、海陸を問わず、すべての組織でDEIを向上させるための協力的な取り組みによって団結し、ナレッジパートナーであるGlobal Maritime Forum、Diversity Study Group、Swiss Reの支援を受けています。


Partnerships for the Goals

SDGs目標17 目標のためのパートナーシップ


Shell Partners for Safetyの一員として、私たちは、すべての事業において害やLOPCやその他の損失のない、ゼロインシデント産業を目指しています。 私たちは、すべての人が必要なトレーニングとスキルを持っていることを保証し、安全の専門家は、世界中でベストプラクティスを共有して実装するために広くネットワークを構築しています。



これには、CO2を大気中に放出する前に「回収」し、後で使用するために貯蔵庫に輸送することで排出量を削減する技術が含まれます。 気候変動の緩和は、代替燃料を提供するのではなく、化石燃料を直接扱うという点でユニークです。

iCallは、TATA Institute of Social Sciencesと提携して2018年に開始され、メンタルヘルスが優先され、助けを求めることが常態化され、差別や偏見がなくなる、メンタルヘルスと船内の健全な環境のための無料ですぐにアクセスできるサービスを作成するというビジョンの一部です。

MACNは、Marine Anti-Corruption Network(海洋汚職防止ネットワーク)です。 シナジーは2020年初頭にメンバーになり、多くの石油メジャーやその他の所有者およびオペレーターのメンバーと長い間取引してきました。 したがって、SynergyはすでにMACNのすべての要件とガイドラインに完全に精通しており、汚職の根絶への全面的な取り組みの一環として、それに応じてすべての従業員を訓練しています。

一流の船舶管理会社として、私たちはクライアントに一貫した質の高いサービスを提供することの重要性を深く理解しています。 「国際乾貨物船主協会」(INTERCARGO)のメンバーとして、私たちは乾貨物船主の利益を代表して、海事業界の安全、品質、環境、およびオペレーショナルエクセレンスの基準を強化するための戦略を開発および実施しています。 インターカーゴは、国際海事機関(国連の専門機関)においてNGOの諮問資格を有しており、他の多くのフォーラムにおいてドライバルク部門を代表する著名な発言者です。


Synergyは、海事、エネルギー、インフラ、金融の各セクターの意思決定者を集めてゼロエミッション燃料を推進するというビジョンにコミットし、脱炭素で持続可能で手頃な価格の海運業界に向けた変革を支援する、Global Maritime Forumと世界経済フォーラムのパートナーシップであるGetting to Zero Coalitionの一環でもあります。



All Aboard Allianceは、海運業界全体のシニアリーダーを結集し、海陸を問わず、すべての組織でDEIを向上させるための協力的な取り組みによって団結し、ナレッジパートナーであるGlobal Maritime Forum、Diversity Study Group、Swiss Reの支援を受けています。



マウナ・ドワニ財団は、社会の公民権を奪われた人々が自分の声と正当な場所を見つけられるようにすることで、個人やコミュニティのアイデンティティの復活と復活を促進することを目的とした非営利の社会的企業です。 財団の取り組みは、主に、以下を含む包括的な3つの方法論を通じて、疎外されたコミュニティの女性のリハビリテーションに焦点を当てています。



私たちのビジネスと地球が依存している海を保全し、維持することは、私たち全員の責任です。 このことを念頭に置いて、2021年には、500+隻の船隊が国際海運購買協会(IMPA)と協力して、40トン以上の廃棄物ボトルを発生させる世界の船隊に毎年供給される約10億リットルの飲料水を削減することを約束しました。

IMPA SAVEは、国連の2030アジェンダをサポートするために使い捨てのウォーターボトルを最小限に抑えることを目指し、主に炭素削減、環境保護、保全、資源消費の削減に焦点を当てることで、世界の海洋プラスチックとマイクロプラスチックの問題に体系的に取り組んでいます。

シナジーは、次世代電池開発会社であるアルシム・エナジー社や、日本最大の船主である日仙海運社と提携し、不燃性二次電池を船舶に搭載することになりました。 これにより、排出量と保険料がさらに削減され、乗組員、貨物、船舶のリスクが軽減されます。

海運業界は、世界貿易額の3分の1以上を輸送し、400万人以上の雇用を生み出しており、安全な運航に対する多くの規制や利害関係者の期待に直面しています。 シナジーは、測定、報告、ベンチマーキング、ベストプラクティスの共有、主要な利害関係者との関わりを通じて安全管理システムの改善を特定し、耐久性のあるソリューションを開発し、人、船舶、貨物、環境に害を及ぼさないようにするためのプラットフォームであるコンテナ船安全フォーラムのメンバーです。

Getting to Zero

Synergy Marine Group is a member of The Getting to Zero Coalition, dedicated to launching zero-emission deep-sea vessels by 2030 and achieving full decarbonisation by 2050. The Global Maritime Forum, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and Friends of Ocean Action, founded and manages the Coalition.


Synergy Marine Group is part of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), a global initiative striving for a corruption-free maritime industry, promoting fair trade for the greater societal good.


Synergy Marine Group is a part of INTERCARGO, an association championing safe, efficient, and eco-friendly shipping. INTERCARGO collaborates with the International Maritime Organization and other global entities to shape maritime legislation.


Synergy Marine Group is part of IMEC, a top maritime employers’ group championing fair and sustainable labor practices. Representing global employers, IMEC negotiates seafarers’ wages and conditions, and invests in workforce development.


Synergy Marine Group is involved in IMPA Save’s initiative to reduce single-use water bottles at sea. The IMPA SAVE council comprises top global shipowners and suppliers, representing over 8000 vessels with significant combined purchasing influence.

All Aboard

Synergy Marine Group is a key participant in The All Aboard Alliance’s Diversity@Sea initiative. As one of eleven prominent maritime companies, we aim to foster inclusivity at sea and directly address challenges faced by women seafarers.


Synergy Marine Group is part of the Container Ship Safety Forum (CSSF), a global B2B network dedicated to enhancing safety and management standards in the container shipping sector.

Danish Shipping

Synergy Marine Group is affiliated with Danske Rederier, the primary industry and employers’ association for Danish shipping—Denmark’s top export sector. Danske Rederier actively engages with authorities and policymakers both domestically and globally.


シナジーマリングループは、 Getting to Zero Coalitionは、2030年までにゼロエミッションの深海船を進水させ、2050年までに完全な脱炭素化を達成することに専念しています。 グローバル海事フォーラムは、世界経済フォーラムおよび海洋行動の友と協力して、連合を設立し、管理しています。


シナジー・マリン・グループは、汚職のない海事産業を目指し、より大きな社会的利益のために公正な貿易を促進する世界的なイニシアチブである Maritime Anti-Corruption Network(MACN)の一員です。


シナジーマリングループは、 INTERCARGOは、安全、効率的、かつ環境に優しい輸送を擁護する協会です。 インターカーゴは、国際海事機関(IMO)をはじめとする国際機関と連携し、海事法整備に取り組んでいます。


Synergy Marine Groupは、公正で持続可能な労働慣行を擁護するトップ海事雇用主グループである IMECの一部です。 IMECは、グローバルな雇用主を代表して、船員の賃金と条件を交渉し、労働力開発に投資しています。


シナジーマリングループが関与している IMPAセーブの 海上での使い捨てウォーターボトルを削減するためのイニシアチブ。 IMPA SAVE評議会は、世界トップの船主とサプライヤーで構成されており、合計で購買に大きな影響を与える8000隻以上の船舶を代表しています。


シナジーマリングループは、 アライアンスのすべてに乗っています Diversity@Seaイニシアチブ。 11の著名な海運会社の1つとして、私たちは海上での包括性を促進し、女性船員が直面する課題に直接取り組むことを目指しています。


シナジー・マリン・グループは、コンテナ船部門における安全・管理基準の強化を目的としたグローバルなB2Bネットワークである コンテナ船安全フォーラム(CSSF)に参加しています。


Synergy Marine Groupは、デンマークの海運の主要産業および雇用者団体である Danske Rederierと提携しています。 ダンスケ・レデリエは、国内外の当局や政策立案者と積極的に関わっています。