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2020년 선박 관리 산업이 직면하게 될 과제에 대한 저의 견해


10월 21, 2024



1월 10, 2020

I think the art and the science of the ship manager is essentially, to manage the unexpected. That’s always the biggest challenge. And we fully expect to be surprised during 2020. It’s all about how we handle the uncertainty with well-trained staff, robust systems and processes to manage risks.

IMO low sulphur regulations have been implemented. Embracing environmental sustainability is critical. Coping with the tactical challenges of scrubbers and alternate fuels will be an industry-wide challenge. Going a bit deeper, it boils down again to the quality of the workforce and the technology that one can deploy to achieve the objectives without losing the reliability of the machinery.

With fuel prices on the rise, more focus will be on optimising vessel consumptions and performance. While there has been a lot of work done, very few have been able to develop and deliver a reliable platform. The three years we spent in creating “SMARTship” has given us the edge. We have very strong partnerships in place with leading industry players to take advantage of our efforts. This year will be about finding more ways to use this platform to provide critical insights and analytics that make our ships more reliable and efficient.

LNG as a fuel has picked up. This requires the right skills and controls to be in place to operate such ships. A more significant number of a trained workforce on LNG handling and usage will be the need in the coming years.

We have serious geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and a severe upturn in pirate attacks in West Africa. These are major risks for shipping. As ship managers, the safety of our crew and fleet is, of course, paramount.

In the Middle East, in practice, this means we maximise our knowledge of risk and follow all advisories and security circulars to the letter. We seek out the best advice where we can find it. And we monitor the situation 24/7.

We also expect the unexpected from technology in 2020. It’s changing our industry faster than many predicted and that will continue. Our strategy is to future-proof. I think we can fairly say that we are now acknowledged as a lead innovator in digital shipping solutions including partnering with Alpha Ori Technologies to develop SMARTShip, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that enables the onboard operation of multiple systems with varying degrees of autonomy. SMARTShip has already been installed on more than 40 vessels, and another 60 ships are undergoing the setup process.

I think this year we’ll also continue to see more recognition that the wellness and positive mental health of seafarers should be placed at the heart of all maritime operations. This will be a welcome step in the right direction. We launched our helpline – iCALL for seafarers – in late 2018 and, if I may take this opportunity, I would urge any seafarers to take their mental health seriously and use the helpline. We have 14 counsellors waiting to speak to them at TISS in Mumbai, India, and All the counsellors have at least a Master’s degree in Clinical or Counselling Psychology. This is a professional counselling service available free to all in English and eight other languages via phone, email and the chat-based nULTA App. Crew health and safety must be a priority in 2020 across the industry.

Predictions for what will change this year in the world of ship management and crewing?

The industry has started seeing IT as a differentiator rather than an enabler. Most companies have started work on creating or finding the right platforms. The challenge remains in trying to find ways to make the best use of technology.

We also expect companies find ways to improve the life of seafarers on board ships. Be it in providing a great environment to work and live, as well as to ensure we add most value into the lives of people who are part of our team.

Shipmanagement companies will start finding ways as to how they add value to the shipping chain rather than being just a service provider. We have seen the difference, with many large trading houses and oil majors encouraged by our approach this way. Let’s first talk about creating value for our customers, be it seafarers, ship owners, operators and other industry stakeholders, before talking on monetisation!

– Capt. Rajesh Unni.

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Getting to Zero

Synergy Marine Group is a member of The Getting to Zero Coalition, dedicated to launching zero-emission deep-sea vessels by 2030 and achieving full decarbonisation by 2050. The Global Maritime Forum, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and Friends of Ocean Action, founded and manages the Coalition.


Synergy Marine Group is part of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), a global initiative striving for a corruption-free maritime industry, promoting fair trade for the greater societal good.


Synergy Marine Group is a part of INTERCARGO, an association championing safe, efficient, and eco-friendly shipping. INTERCARGO collaborates with the International Maritime Organization and other global entities to shape maritime legislation.


Synergy Marine Group is part of IMEC, a top maritime employers’ group championing fair and sustainable labor practices. Representing global employers, IMEC negotiates seafarers’ wages and conditions, and invests in workforce development.


Synergy Marine Group is involved in IMPA Save’s initiative to reduce single-use water bottles at sea. The IMPA SAVE council comprises top global shipowners and suppliers, representing over 8000 vessels with significant combined purchasing influence.

All Aboard

Synergy Marine Group is a key participant in The All Aboard Alliance’s Diversity@Sea initiative. As one of eleven prominent maritime companies, we aim to foster inclusivity at sea and directly address challenges faced by women seafarers.


Synergy Marine Group is part of the Container Ship Safety Forum (CSSF), a global B2B network dedicated to enhancing safety and management standards in the container shipping sector.

Danish Shipping

Synergy Marine Group is affiliated with Danske Rederier, the primary industry and employers’ association for Danish shipping—Denmark’s top export sector. Danske Rederier actively engages with authorities and policymakers both domestically and globally.

제로에 도달

Synergy Marine Group은 의 회원입니다. Getting to Zero Coalition은 2030년까지 무공해 심해 선박을 진수하고 2050년까지 완전한 탈탄소화를 달성하는 데 전념합니다. 세계해사포럼(Global Maritime Forum)은 세계경제포럼(World Economic Forum) 및 해양행동의 친구들(Friends of Ocean Action)과 공동으로 연합을 설립하고 관리합니다.


시너지 마린 그룹(Synergy Marine Group)은 부패 없는 해양 산업을 위해 노력하는 글로벌 이니셔티브인MACN(Maritime Anti-Corruption Network)의 일원 으로, 더 큰 사회적 이익을 위한 공정 무역을 촉진합니다.


Synergy Marine Group은 다음과 같은 회사입니다. INTERCARGO는 안전하고 효율적이며 친환경적인 운송을 옹호하는 협회입니다. INTERCARGO는 국제해사기구(International Maritime Organization) 및 기타 글로벌 기관과 협력하여 해양 법률을 제정합니다.


Synergy Marine Group은 공정하고 지속 가능한 노동 관행을 옹호하는 최고의 해양 고용주 그룹인 IMEC의 일부입니다. 글로벌 고용주를 대표하는 IMEC는 선원의 임금과 조건을 협상하고 인력 개발에 투자합니다.


Synergy Marine Group은 다음과 같은 분야에 참여하고 있습니다. IMPA Save’s 바다에서 일회용 물병을 줄이기 위한 이니셔티브. IMPA SAVE 위원회는 구매 영향력이 큰 8000척 이상의 선박을 대표하는 세계 최고의 선주 및 공급업체로 구성되어 있습니다.

모두 탑승

Synergy Marine Group은 의 핵심 참가자입니다. 모두 얼라이언스에 탑승하세요 Diversity@Sea 이니셔티브. 11개의 저명한 해양 기업 중 하나로서, 우리는 바다에서 포용성을 촉진하고 여성 선원이 직면한 문제를 직접 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

증권 시세 표시기

Synergy Marine Group은 컨테이너 선박 부문의 안전 및 관리 표준을 강화하는 데 전념하는 글로벌 B2B 네트워크인CSSF(Container Ship Safety Forum)의 일부입니다 .

덴마크 배송

Synergy Marine Group은 덴마크 최고의 수출 부문인 덴마크 해운의 주요 산업 및 고용주 협회인 Danske Rederier와 제휴하고 있습니다. Danske Rederier는 국내 및 전 세계 당국 및 정책 입안자들과 적극적으로 협력하고 있습니다.